My dd was just skipped from K to 1st at the beginning of Dec. She was really resistant to it at first. We asked her why and her main thing was friends. We explained to her that it would really help with her boredom (She was waking up every morning complaining of a stomachache in Kindergarten because she was so bored and just didn't want to go). My husband and I and our whole team of school staff talked about it during our GIEP meeting and decided it would be best for her. Almost a month later, no more problems with her getting up. She wants to go to school. She likes school (She's still a little bored but they are working on that, she's currently doing 3rd grade math and reading in her classroom and taking Spanish). DD still says that she wishes she was in K (She really doesn't see the kids except in the hall) she is much happier in 1st. There is currently some talk of moving her to 3rd next year when she goes to the bigger school (Our school has K-1 in one building and 2-5 in another and the didn't want to skip her 2 grades because they didn't want to take her completely away from the school so early) and we figure we'll cross that bridge when we get there.