Thanks for the replies so far.

I have had multiple conversations with DS about it and sometimes he gives me little pieces of information. For example, the other day he said next year I want to go to 2nd grade and learn 2nd grade things to which I replied well you know most of the 2nd grade things now to which he replied, yeah I guess so. My husband believes it is a control issue and I think having him (DS) mull it in his mind and get confortable with the reasoning behind would make a difference so I am taking baby steps with that and am thinking that a year end skip might be better. Although, I like the trial skip approach too and that is something that I will discuss with DH, etc.

Cricket2 - I don't think it is the big fish issue. He has been subject accelerated and is at the top of those classes as well. He has already been advanced once from the initial 1st grade placement for reading. Plus, he is generally very confident. He does not have a concept of failure - which is mostly my husband's doing because they both have the similar anything is possible attitude. My DS plays several sports and some have been initially difficult for him - he just keeps practicing and plugging away and he always ends up doing well.

CAMom, it is funny that you should mention the lunch thing because at DS's school the grades eat together in 15 minute intervals and he said he likes having lunch earlier, so maybe that is his way of saying he wants to eat with his 1st grade friends.

Crys - in terms of what we can look forward too, first GT starts in 3rd grade. The principal is anxious to get him there because she feels that is where they can make adjustments easier. I am slightly skeptical because the GT at our school is not that great, but I think we can be successful in advocating a little bit there too. There is almost no science in the 1st grade - they have a 40 minute block for social studies and science each day, but they often skip it to do writing. Anything is better than that.

Our PTA sponsors after school enrichment programs that try to expand what the kids get in the school day. Most of it involves art, science and math. Some of the classes are for 3-5 grade so all of that would be available to him. Actually, I am the coordinator of the class selections and have worked really hard on getting STEM focused and other high quality programs.

Finally, I just think it would be easier to advocate for him. Some in the school (teachers) have been resistent to two grade acceleration in some areas and I just think if he is whole grade accelerated (which they have never done and some teachers are actually shocked that it was the principal's idea) the culture will start to change and more teachers, etc. will start to realize that we have to do more for students like DS. Also, just in terms of the quality of teachers, they get better at his school in 2nd grade and much better in the 3rd grade. I am a little frustrated with his 1st grade teacher (although I generally like him because he seems to accept some of my DS's quirks - i.e.singing in class and intense curiosity) but he just doesn't see why DS cannot plow through work way below his level. He says things like "some kids are on phonics book 4 and your son is only on 1" When I try to explain that DS could do book 1 two years ago and finds it excruciating to work on, he just doesn't get it. But at this point he is only there 2 hours a day, so it is not that bad.

Thanks again all. I appreciate all the wisdom and guidance I have experienced on this board.