Originally Posted by bh14
It's not a solution, but imagine where we'd be if we didn't do it.
I keep this idea in my mind whenever I begin to question the sanity of having our son skip.

Most boys in our district turn nine during third or fourth grade. Our son turned nine right after the start of sixth grade. Reading discussions like this typically cause knots in my stomach from nagging doubt over our decision, especially as we look forward to high school and *gasp* *choke* *sputter* ... college.

To help reassure myself, I simply imagine putting him back into 3rd or 4th grade with his age-mates. Then, when I stop laughing myself silly, I remember all the reasons why we needed to move him up in grade level and bring about renewed solace regarding our decision. (Until the next discussion thread like this one, of course.)

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz