Speaking as someone who should have been diagnosed as a child with Aspeger's and/or ADHD...as a child and well into my teenage years, I don't think it goes away, it does get hidden or worked through. I could not read negative emotion well and internalized my own anxiety and anger. I could not hold a conversation that flowed normally, I was always following my mind to wherever it was going even when speaking with other people. I hated small talk.

At some point (the reason for which I brought up in another post), I decided I needed to be able to act normal. I started catching all these little things and ways that I behaved and working actively to fix them. I can honestly say that I didn't fully succeed, but it's close enough that most people can't tell. I have to prompt myself to follow the smooth flow of a conversation, or about which greeting is correct for what. But most people knowing me would not peg me as having AS or ADHD.