Here's the link to the paper cited by wikipedia, re: the 20% cure quote:

The question about this and the anorexia is not my concerns about my daughter's future, but more about a retrospective survey of the gene pool she comes from! Some of her behavior at this age looks like some of her relatives', but most of those relatives are fine as adults, including those who had anorexia.

The anorexia article, as I read it, was more saying that anorexia might be associated with AS, not the other way around. In the past, anorexia has been thought to be associated with OCD.

In all this reading I have become acquainted with a new term, "neurotypical." How funny!

Nan - great news about the improvement due to early intervention.

Last edited by seablue; 12/30/10 10:09 PM. Reason: grammar lol