Hi Blob. After our DS6 had a disastrous year in kindergarten (also a sit and learn environment) we had him assessed by an educational psych who is very experienced with gifted kids. The psych advised us that he was focused during the testing (just like with Legos at our home), and his results came back as HG/PG. Unfortunately DS has some perfectionism issues and is also only interested in what he wants to learn. This summer it has been pulling teeth practicing reading and writing, and has all but given up on guitar - which he used to love. The psych warned us that misdiagnosis can happen with these kids, especially with teachers who don't understand the quirks and traits that gifted kids can sometimes bring to a classroom. He recommended that we read the book "Mis-Diagnosis and Dual diagnosis of Gifted Children". We originally feared ADHD, especially after the teacher hinted around at it several times. But, we now know that our son is just a super active kid who talks a lot, and unless he is engaged, may (or will...) become disruptive. Socially he has struggled as well, we are trying to coach him on appropriate behavior. It seems that "annoying" is one word that kids seems to use with him. We are a little stressed about 1st grade in September, but hoping that meetings with the school beforehand will assist. I would love the opportunity to homeschool - how fortunate for you!