blob, My DS7 is similar and WAS evaluated for ADHD and determined NOT to have it. He looks around the room for the fun things he would like to play with rather than what the teacher is explaining right then. He's impatient with slow and repetitive instruction and wants to jump right in with the fun stuff. He has the opposite problem in regards to size. He is as big as his 11 year old cousin, so people expect him to be more socially mature than he is. He gravitates to older kids and then gets "thrown out" of their groups for being "gross and weird." (his words...) My son says what he thinks and uses his mouth as his weapon also. We are working hard on polite words and polite tone, but he will never use a question when he means a is just illogical to him. (Would you please hand me that pen? vs. Hand me the pen....uhhhh please.) Anyway, your description does not sound like ADHD to sounds like a curious kid! Nan