Originally Posted by master of none
...got an email from the principal who is confident they can manage dd without a skip. Didn't say a thing about scheduling a meeting (which was the topic of the email request we sent!), then ended with the distractor "how would dd like to make speeches in the end of school year assembly?"

I think she'd rather crawl under a desk and pretend she doesn't need a grade skip.


1. Reply to the email with just a very simple message along the lines of "THanks for your message; how about the 17th or 18th for for a meeting?"

2. To be fair to the principal, when we were considering a 2nd grade skip for DS10, the idea seemed kind of radical. We were used to the idea of one skip by then, but two just seemed...strange. This was also at a school that works a year ahead.

It took DH and I a while to get our heads around the idea --- yet I could see quite plainly that 4th grade wasn't a challenge to him and 5th probably wouldn't be either. The idea was just...weird.

The big breakthrough came when we sent him off to 6th grade for a couple of days and talked to the teachers about what he'd be doing in that grade. At that point, it became *very* clear to everyone that middle school was the right place for him.

Maybe you can help the principal see this merit of another skip by developing a strategy to de-radicalize the idea.

Remember what I mentioned above about an IQ of 146 being very rare. You may be used to it, but others aren't, and you might need to help them see how different she truly is.

FWIW, I haven't had my kids tested, but from what I've read here, they seem to be most similar overall to the kids in the low DYS range.



Last edited by Val; 05/10/10 02:42 PM.