Originally Posted by master of none
I don't know if this is denial or clarity of thinking, but dd is not over the top in IQs. She is only 146. I can understand why a 160 might need more acceleration, but dd isn't topping out her testing. DD has already had one year of acceleration. Gross doesn't give current IQ testing numbers, so it's hard to compare. I think if she said 146 Wisc IV score sometimes need 2 grade accelerations, we'd push hard for that, even if it meant private school for a year.

MON - Only 146? My DS6's IQ is only in the 130s, and I can already see how additional whole grade acceleration would benefit him academically. But at the same time, for him, socially he's right where he needs to be. I think focusing on an IQ number is not the way to go... you need to focus on your DD as a whole!