Have you ever read the book by Miraca Gross entitled, Exceptionally Gifted Children? It follows 15 or so children in Australia who are exceptionally gifted. It discusses the school history, psychosocial development, family environment, and IQ data for each child. It also has a chapter at the end called "Where are they now?" that discusses how each child matured into adulthood. The conclusion of the book is that the kids with the higher IQs needed radical acceleration in school. The kids that received this faired far better as adults in jobs, social relationships, and general happiness than the kids who were held back and not accelerated by the school.

It is an interesting book. The copy that I have has a copyright of 2004, so it is fairly recent. Most of the research in the book is from the 1980's? perhaps.

Hope this helps! smile I've dragged this book to numerous school meetings and have not seen much recognition or acceptance for it. But it is documented research on the academic needs of HG+ kids.

Mom to DS12 and DD3