Originally Posted by Dottie
I just don't want her set up for the expectations of truly smart kids, when that might not be the case in the next grade either. Peers will pop up occasionally, but there's no guarantee at any particular grade level. Now...there is a compromise of sorts, where say a 145 kid might fit extremely well with 130 kids 2 years her senior, but it's still not truly a "smarter" or even "as smart" situation. Please know I'm not trying to say any one child is "smarter" than another, and hopefully you'll get what I'm trying to say.

Well put, Dottie, as usual. wink

I've wondered about grade skipping. If a DC is grade-skipped into a class with other ND kids a year ahead, the work will be more challenging, but will the pace be fast enough? And are the peers a better fit for finding a kindred spirit...? I guess it's not a slam dunk, but hopefully an improved situation.