Originally Posted by connieculkins
My son has definitely been bullied a bit, but has been able to deflect some of it by being a bit of a clown. He has been calling himself smart this year, but believes this to be a negative thing (despite what I tell him) because he believes this makes a person unlikable.
I'm still don't know if my son is gifted or just bright, but I don't want him to give up when it seems like he is just beginning to take off. I want him to have the guidance and support to take advantage of what this country has to offer. I don't want him to 'try' to be average because that's what people in this neighborhood expect him to be.
I agree, it sounds as though that's a real danger, particularly if the school can't find a way to put him in the gifted programme where at least he'd have more time with other gifted children. I also wonder whether your DS's teacher really realises how bright he is - if he's clowning to fit in, it may be that, even though she's realised he's gifted, he's above the level she thinks he is at. I'm not from the US and am not familiar with the systems, but if you are it might be worth thinking about IQ testing - AIUI, in some states, schools are obliged to arrange and pay for this if parents request it (see link How gifted-friendly is my state over on the left). At the very least, sounds like an in-depth talk with the teacher about the bullying, about how he seems to be hiding his abilities to fit in, and about possible plans for challenging him in the classroom, would be in order. Good luck!

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