I am waiting for them to find the "late reader, but then takes off like a rocket" gene. My Ds both have it. Neither really read until near the end of 1st grade, in spite of very good verbal skills and much encouragement at home and school. But once they started reading... within 12 months, D2 was reading Lord of the Rings (the whole thing!). And she finished 3rd in the Midwest Academic Talent SAT CR in 8th grade for her age group. I read late as well, but have been a voracious reader ever since the day I figured out that G-O-A-T spelled "goat" (really, I remember the light bulb going on!).

I have also noticed that there are years when D2 makes great leaps in learning, and other years when she is just more average. The "great leap" years are breathtaking, that is for sure. But we have learned not to expect them every year and in every subject smile

Last edited by intparent; 05/02/10 10:18 AM.