I am worried at the same time. I don't want her to skip grade when she is in school and be with older kids.
I think you should try to keep an open mind and remember that whatever accommodations your DD may need in school, they aren't going to be because of something you did or didn't do at 2. If she is going to need a grade skip, no amount of holding back is going to prevent it. If she isn't, no amount of pushing will cause it.

I agree. And take each moment as it comes instead of worrying about what will happen down the line.
My son was grade skipped from K to 1. The biggest issue against it from the school (who was the one recommending it) was that he would not be able to drive when his friends do due to age. My response was we will cross that bridge when we get to it. And we will. But right now, we have to do what is right for DS6. And I thought he was not socially ready at all, but the school convinced me otherwise... kids act different at home than they do at school. So to the OP, good luck, and take it one step at a time!