Welcome to the gifted world.

(Hope I'm not repeating someone else's post.)

Do stop by (google for it) Hoagies which has lots of articles on giftedness. There are also lots of articles here at the Davidson website. Later on, I'm sure you'll enjoy reading the articles at SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted)

Whatever you thought a child of 2, 3, 4, 5 , etc etc should be like -- or what is "normal" can now be tossed out the window. Your child is normal in the context of other gifted kids -- and even this group has a lot of variations.

While she is young, read and read, so you'll be more prepared to understand her, when she is sad, frustrated, or happy, and more prepared to consider her pre-school and school.

Prepare yourself, emotionally, mentally, ... come here and post often and vent, if need to. smile The internet is great, you're not isolated and can get help and knowledge easily. Knowledge about gifted children will help you help your daughter.

Your concern re: her not skipping grades is just your current/immediate thought. You may re-consider quite a lot of things in the next 3-6 months.

Do post on this discussion board as I've always found this place to be a very supportive place.

Best wishes.