Sounds like you are doing a great job with your daughter. It is all about following their lead. I used to feel weird buying my DS5 things that were somewhat academically based, but he loves that stuff and that is what makes him happy. One day he told me "some people think spiderman is fun, but to me Math is REALLY fun" and his eyes lights up when he talks about it. We still do lots of other stuff and he has other interests of course that aren't purely academic, but that is what he is driven towards. Our DS5 was reading at 19 months (self taught obviously...we had no clue he could read and it really freaked us out). We just had books around and he read...can't really stop that. With my DD2 (turning three in a couple months) she is showing signs that she will start reading soon. This is strange to us because DS didn't show signs, he just started reading. DD knows all her letters and recognizes a couple words and when she talks she will say things like "I want a buh-buh-bagel for buh-buh-breakfast....those both start with B" she is very into letters lately and pointing to things and asking me what they say. We aren't doing anything about it other than answering her questions and reading with her because she likes books a lot. Not much else to do. I imagine she will be reading at 3.

As to worrying about the future, I would try not to do that (easier said then done). It is not at all productive. We were worried a lot with DS and things are going pretty well now. I still have times when I worry a little but he is who he is and we love him. We had DS in a montessori school for pre-k (just 3 half-days a week) and then he skipped K and went to first. Honestly, K was never even a consideration for us. It just wasn't a good fit, socially emotionally or academically. first is not a fit academically either, but they are making accomodations and differentiating and we are going to try to get by without more skips...but we may have to in the future if he is miserable. One day at a time : ) Good luck!