
Just an idea:

for things that look hard and she doesn't want to start/do -- that is the perfectionism/procrastination bug

pick something not too hard but not too easy, then say ... let's try this together, we'll just do 10 minutes and if in 10 minutes we want to stop, we can

then do it. keep doing this type of thing and see if it helps

she might have high expectations, have a perfectionism tendency, and thus may procrastinate ... if she feels she can't do it just right she don't do it ?? -- I don't know, I'm just guessing, but this is very typical for the gifted population

so, try to manage and talk through some of the expectation. show her how you make mistakes and shrug through them and say "oh well, try again next time" etc etc

so while working on that, also have her figure out things that she might like to do during "her time" and write it on a list and stick it on the wall or something. she can refer to it when she needs to think up things to do, etc etc

hope that helps a bit