I'm still not sure whether my DS5 is an introvert or extrovert (I'm thinking he's a really social introvert), but I will say he was a very needy infant and toddler who became a lot more independent and enjoyable to be around when I finally put my foot down and refused to entertain him every minute of the day. It was an adjustment for both of us at first. I had to keep reminding myself that it was important for him to have idle time and figure out how to use it, and he had to keep reminding himself that I was serious. Once DS got it though ("Wow, she really is going to sweep the floors and vacuum instead of coloring with me!"), it made a world of difference in all our lives. Now, as long as there are plenty of notepads, drawing pads, books, magazines and LEGOs strewn about the house, DS is happy as a clam. However, he still won't last more than 5 minutes outdoors unless he has some other kid to play with, and I won't even take him to a park unless we've arranged a playdate.