Originally Posted by Kriston
I kept thinking about this while I took my shower, and I think the "extroverted kids shouldn't be homeschooled" notion stems from a lack of awareness about all the options for group interactions that kids can get as homeschoolers. Being locked in the house alone with an extroverted child would be bad. But no one does that--not even the people with introverted kids do this!

I'm right on board with you. Both of my kids are quite extroverted. I'm either an anti-social extrovert, or a social introvert (I end up right on the cusp when I do a Briggs-Meyers). My son gets much more positive social interactions now than he did at school. My daughter's best friend is 2 years older than her, which is totally normal and ok in our local secular, homeschool community. She was so frustrated socially last year at preschool, and I think she just wasn't clicking with the age level. And for her it was devastating. She had a very emotional year, after having an easy preschool year as a young 3. We are on the go constantly.

I think all that being said, the ingredient really needed for successful homeschool is a willing parent. I don't think it's the solution for everyone. It's a lifestyle choice we've made for now that's working for all of us. We'll see what a few years brings!