Well you could just move next to me and we would both be a lot happier! I have a nearly 7 year old boy who still does not prefer to do anything alone. I trained him via Kriston's baby steps method last summer when it was likely we would homeschool. I am also an extrovert but I need time to talk with my friends, have adult conversations and not discuss the ins and outs of different Pokemon characters on a minute by minute basis.

We did not end up homeschooling. But part of my plan included joining a co-op where DS would be off taking enrichment classes several times a week. Maybe you have something similar in your area?

Also, ditto Kriston on finding some boys. My son's best friends have always been girls. He plays happily with our neighbor's gifted 8 year old daughter for literally hours. They disappear and I don't see them until they are hungry. It's magical!