I agree about the making him responsibility to be content or happy. I tell my kids if they are bored they need to use their creative brain to come up with something to do. Of course I will offer ideas if they want help.

We try to rotate out activites so he kids are more interested.
My DS keeps him self entertained with projects. He has an activity table with legos out all the time. I have a small table with 3 or 4 books from the library each week which includes something reference, like a encylopedia of dinosaurs and something "how to do it", like how to make books or yo yo tricks.

There are endless ideas here on the threads.

I would try to get your child to get into a big project like an online course or weaving. It feels good to be accomplishing something.

Is focusing on something for a long time an issue?

Best of luck.

Last edited by onthegomom; 03/12/10 06:54 AM.