I have an extreme extrovert daughter. One of the things in that book (sorry totally forgot title since I am the one that didn't like it) about gifted kids is that homeschooling the extrovert may not be the best idea. I think it would make me insane to homeschool DD5.

And although she will play with boys, she wants to hang with girls (she is 5) but I find that playdates with girls 1-2 years older really works. She can pretend she is 14 or whatever she thinks. Because girls, even at this age, like to talk about who is the cutest boy and all that stuff that girls do. I was surprised. She is in a Jesuit school, totaly non play and no talking so she really needs that time in the playground after with friends and playdates on the weekends. If I don't provide that, she will want me to interact with her and it is tiring. Also why she got the puppy. Puppy takes up a significant amount of energy now. Though it doesn't take the place of playdates.

And why we do cruises. There are always other kids. We just did a cruise in Hawaii in Feb and doing Europe in April. I find other families and connect before I even get on the boat. I think children are like dogs. If they don't get pack time, they get neurotic. The more pack time, the more exhausted they are when they are home.
