I have found it interesting to observe DS2, as DD9 has had her "gifted" label since he was born. With DD I was oblivious that kids weren't supposed to do what she did. Now with DS, I was concerned about his language development because DD was talking full sentences before 2 and reading at 3.5. Then I realized that DS is very bright but he is just different. His language skills came overnight but his motor skills were ahead of DD's. He is also very skilled at taking things apart and fixing his toys. He loves to organize his cars and trains by color even lightest to darkest within a color, size or cars etc.

Where they are similar is that they both love puzzles. DS lacks the fine motor skills for maze puzzles, but if I hold the pen for him, he figures them out.

As far as the boy/girl differences, in our house DS will use Barbies for weapons (we don't allow guns/knives etc. as toys) or will run around with a tiara and high heels. He loves to dance with DD and knows the lyrics to all High School Musical songs. Poor guy, LOL!!!!!