This is a great thread.

Mr W has surpassed all of his 12 mo milestones at 6 mos save walking and crawling. His first smile at us was four days after he was born - 5 weeks premature - and from then on its been off to the races.

He was and is EXTREMELY observant from 2 weeks on. We have yet to meet any child of any age who takes the time to look things over like he does.

This is an example:

When we took him for his 6 mos checkup, we did not talk to the Ped or the office staff about what we have seen. We wanted to see their reaction.

When the ped came in, Mr W was standing on the table, holding on to my shoulder.

He looked right at the Dr, looking her up and down, neither smiling, nor frowning, trying to recall where he had seen her before. He noted her files and observed as she wrote stuff down and then stared as she pulled out the opthamoloscope and the tongue depressor.

When she went to look into his throat, he snatched the tongue depressor from her hand and refused to let go of it, and once he had won the tug of war, he then looked it over.

"You ARE a little advanced, aren't you!" was her comment.