That intensity about a sound at such a young age, Del, sounds like one of the "over excitabilities". The imaginary friends at age 1, too....that's an unusual ability at that age. I can imagine the "matches" sending a shiver down your spine!!!

Both my boys did the deep gaze at birth. Now I'll have to get Ruf's book from the library again and look up that part. I musta missed it. I have pictures of both boys at less than a week of age staring intently at the camera. I remember with both of them how they watched and watched while I was taking pictures of them.

As for goofy looking, both kids scored high there the first few hours. Rite was a high-level-forceps-turned-cesarean birth. His head was shaped like a cone, with a huge hematoma, a cut over his eye brow from the forceps, and dislocated hips. I swear he came out flipping back to front and staring at the world because his birth had caused such distrust. He was scared!

Mite came with this gob of hair that was above the ear on the right side and about an inch below on the left! The right side looked like it had been cut straight off like a bowl cut. Plus it stood on end on top. His face was just perfect, but his hair was absolutely humorous. A friend of mine came to see us in the hospital and spent the whole time she held him just trying to discretely smooth down his hair. chuckle. Rite used to tell Mite, "You sure are beautiful, but you have funny hair!!!"

chuckle. INteresting how you can just adore them no matter how goofy they look, eh?!

Oh and both boys liked to be on my hip facing out, too!!! That's interesting! I never thought about it before. I guess they were just too busy to be cuddled!! But they did like their snuggle time at night.

Gosh! I just love this group. It's so cool to find people who are like me with odd little kids who are like mine!!! chuckle.

Willa Gayle