Okay I'm learning a lot. I really appreciate everyone's comments!
So it sounds like we're not alone and there are others like DS. For those with similar boys, did you feel like you had to do a lot of social teaching/coaching in those preschool years to make up for the asynchronous development? I know I put a lot more effort into this area of parenting than I expected. Examples:
- Since he loved numbers, I had to teach him when it's appropriate to include numbers in discussion and how to eliminate most of the number chit chat. Like don't ask adults how old they are, what year they were born!! He often wanted to (still sometimes) add in extraneous info about what time things happened, the start and end times of his nap etc. He is learning though. He tells me he just loves numbers! Well duh, but I don't need all that info!

- We had about a year (age 2-3) where we would have to put post its over microwaves and digital clocks so he could focus on other things besides number countdowns

Thankfully he is over this.
- Recently I've had to explain that it's not appropriate to think or say another kid is "mean" just because they accidentally bumped into you! After I explain it he gets it, but his instinct is wrong.
- I do have to remind him about eye contact and responding right away when someone says his name. It doesn't come very naturally but he does it when reminded.