mnmom23 - I just saw your post about perfectionism - not sure how I missed it the first time.
But YES! You hit the nail on the head with that. I totally remember just knowing that he didn't want to walk until he KNEW he could do it right. Same with almost all the gross motor stuff. He didn't want to try, too hard, blah blah but then once he set his mind to it, voila! Easy, I want to do it... etc. And with the talking, once he started, he had perfect articulation. My younger son does "baby talk" which is so adorable, first time experiencing it!

I think he is somewhat a perfectionist in that he resists trying things if they are not pretty easy for him. I have bought gifted workbooks and while I know he can do some of the problems, and he DOES do them, he prefers not to challenge himself. Although maybe this is not gifted behavior at all! He challenges himself in some ways but not others but almost exclusively LEARNS independently. He isn't obsessive compulsive in any ways, perfectionism wise.
He is complicated I think!!!

Also interesting is that my second son crawled (9.5-10mo) and walked(16-18mo) at exactly the same age as first did and I already talked about how different they are.