Hi there,

I am nervous to even ask...but I have been on the fence with my almost 5 year old son for quite some time. While I have generally never felt compelled to get him tested, I do always notice certain behaviors that aren't typical. Without posting his entire history, I'll just say he is very bright, has a great facility with numbers, math, memory, reading since age 2-3, has been learning French for a year and is quite talented with accent and vocabulary and sentence structure, has a facility with music (playing simple songs on a piano). Has strong fine motor skills, excellent handwriting, capacity for art (but not high interest)...etc.

Socially I think most people might not notice any quirks, but I sometimes do. He is very friendly and social, everyone remarks on how social and sweet and friendly he is saying hi and hugging his friends etc. But he does act overly "silly" sometimes and I feel like I do a lot of coaching about social rules and feelings and how not to laugh TOO loudly/long, hard to explain but that stuff doesn't come as easily.

His teacher last year I think suspected he might have HFA (because her son does) -- never came out and said it but I felt she did. But his teacher this year gave me a detailed eval of how he does everything so well, behavior wise, social, everything. She thinks he should skip Kindergarten, but of course I disagree.

A couple of my concerns are that he effortlessly memorized all his preschool classmates' birthdays, spellings of first and last names, addresses and phone numbers (the class worked on these as a group) and always notices license plates and remembers them, dates etc.

Is it possible that this falls under the gifted category? I'm nervous for the answer, so please be gentle smile

Thank you!

Last edited by surfbaby; 03/04/10 08:09 AM.