Hi Surfbaby,

First off, you're not alone in having these concerns about your DS. When my DS was 2-5, I really thought that there was something to be concerned about. Now I understand that what I saw is just part of his quirky GT personality.

As far as the silliness goes, I would suggest you not worry about that at all. In DS's SECOND grade (so 7-8 year olds), there are still boys who are not yet able to control their silliness/laughing. And many gifted kids develop asynchronously, so their emotional maturity level may not match their highly-mature academic level.

On the other point of your DS's ability to effortlessly memorize things, IMHO I would see that as a sign of potential giftedness but not a concern unless there were red flags of a problem. Some of those beautiful brains are just wired so differently from those of their agemates. But that's what we're all doing at this forum, right?

FYI -- my DS8 (who we took to a psychologist when he was 5 because we were concerned and we were told he was just fine) still has odd ways of reacting to what people say. Sometimes it seems like his over-sensitivity to fairness or right/wrong kick in. Other times, he just seems to analyze the meaning of things more than most. Bottom line is that he thinks very differently from other people, but we've come to understand that's just who he is and it's nothing to worry about.

I'm sure others will chime in. Hang in there!

Last edited by Mama22Gs; 03/04/10 08:47 AM. Reason: Took too long to write this and OP had written more.... :-)