Just an update -
We have a meeting with the Assistance Team at DS9's school on Monday. This group is made up of teachers and other staff. This is the first step in the process to have him evaluated. I believe that at this meeting his teacher will discuss the issues she has witnessed in the classroom and I will be asked to contribute what we have seen at home. There will be trouble-shooting to try and "handle" the problems within the school. My plan is to try and be quiet and listen very closely to what is discussed - easier said than done. My main goal is to to get my point across that DS has labored and mainly illegible writing, struggles to complete any written assignment (he NEVER finishes when the rest of the class is done), that his written expression is significantly less sophisticated that his verbal ability, and that something is very wrong and it is has become an impediment to his academic success.
I plan to pleasantly but firmly insist that he be evaluated via a psycho-educational exam. I have my own list of specialists that I will pursue if they are hesitant.
I don't expect there to be pushback as his teacher agreed at your previous meeting that there was a problem and that she had already consulted someone about allowing him the have a keyboard in the classroom and has already made some modifications to his writing assignments. That said, I feel like I need to be ready to be railroaded or pushed off.
I am very anxious about this meeting and hope someone can give me some BTDT suggestions.
Ugh, why does this have to be so hard?!