What wonderful information!!! Thank you!

A few more questions.....
DS is not a proficient typer. I would like to get him a program that he can do at home to become more self-confident at typing. What program to use? Any experiences?

Until he is a stronger typer I am considering using Dragon Dictation on an iPod Touch for use at school and possibly the Dragon Dictation program on a home laptop to help with homework. My thought is that this complete change of information production might help with his written work, increase his self-confidence and expression, and then transfer him over to something like a Neo. Also, when they become available, the iPad might be great for typing and Dragon Dictation. Thoughts on that idea?

I am definitely anxious about the evaluation process but at the moment I fell very thankful that his teacher is receptive to accommodations. I believe this partly due to fact that she has quite a bit of freedom in her classroom (students are the top1% in the district) and also that she witnessed, with her own eyes, how his writing is holding him back. She also acknowledges that his written expression does not at all match his verbal expression and ability.