MY DS9 attends a public school for the highly gifted. I met with his teacher this afternoon to discuss an ongoing concern with a)his actual writing and b) the quality of his writing content vs his verbal language.

She agrees that there is a definite problem with the writing and his written expression. She is willing to get the paperwork started to have him evaluated but she warned me that the necessary deviation in his test scores would not happen and therefore he wouldn't qualify for services. She told me that her her experience, her students that were diagnosed as twice exceptional did not end up qualifying for services. What do I need to know about this?

She is willing to modify his writing requirements, however the enrichment component of his education involves a great deal of writing. She is open to him using a keyboard in class - ie Neo, etc. Is something like that appropriate for use in 3rd grade? I can see its application in higher grades where note taking is a large part of his daily classwork. I am happy to get him whatever will be helpful.

Going back to the qualifying for services question, does that really happen? If my HG child IS diagnosed with dysgraphia is there a chance he will not qualify for services because there is not a large enough discrepancy in his scores?