I gave you the wrong impression. My DS can stick with stuff for hours. He is a project Kid. He also keeps building on ideas since K like making paper airplanes and legos. Activities just keep getting more involved.

Along the way I keep offering variety so he learns to try need things. This summer we took a on day fly fishing class just to try it. I had no intentions of getting into Free fly fishing. It was a day we had some great one on one time, which gets hard to come by sometimes.

I think my showing interest and actively participating helps. He can do all his homework by himself, but wants me there just to have time with me.

Don't get me wrong. I not saying you are not participating enough. Lots of kids don't have long attention spands like my DS but they have other qualities. I hope this helps in some way. I'm not sure of what else to suggest other than working on perfectionism. Maturity will probally help as he gets older. It sounds like you do lots of wonderful activites.

Best of Luck.