We found for sports (or active pursuits in general), we had to think pretty far outside the box.... Virtually our whole town plays soccer, does Ninjitsu, and swims. DS can play soccer but doesn't like it that well, hated all the martial arts he tried, and swims well but has no interest in joining the team again. So all the obvious choices were shot down...

What we ended up with was tennis, rock climbing, and tap dance. I think he's done with tap dance for now, but it was a good four years or so... Right now it's just rock climbing, although come spring we'll add tennis back in and he might try fencing next year. We also go hiking as a family, and he and DH might shoot hoops every once in a while, but we could do more in that direction.

If you look around a bit (or encourage your DS to look around a bit) you might find there are possibilities you hadn't considered. I never would have guessed that our local Parks and Rec would have a climbing wall if DS hadn't asked me to find one!
