Well rounded to me doesn't necessarily mean traditional organized children's activities. How about: learn to maintain a car from books or a few lessons from a local mechanic, and then maintain your own car together. Learn a language with a parent with the goal of a family trip to some neat place (if you are in the US and don't want to go far, a native American language might be interesting) -- take a class if you can but otherwise do internet/CDs etc. Learn to make a website so that the you and he can start a small business for real (selling something not necessarily designed to make a lot of money, just for the cool-ness of being an internet CEO, twigs by the ounce, or "video game tips by email" for example). DS keeps proceeds. Build a bookshelf (for his books) from a book or with the assistance of a local carpenter for the hard parts. Still a kid so maybe interest wanes, but done in a organized way the way any "official" activity would be it gets to be a routine and a lot can be accomplished, ie Tuesdays for an hour is X. Time consuming for the parent but if one can swing it, rewarding for the kid to be included in a "adult" thing.
