Online learning after school?

My DS9 is busy with sports 3 times a week. Right now he does about 15 to 30 minutes of Homework. It is all easy for him.

I would be interested in him trying an online learning class after school but I have some concerns. I don't feel like my son needs any more Homework time. I would like him to get to try this online learning at home more. Next summer, he is probally going to camp everyday so he probally won't want to do the online learning then unless I can find something not accellorated. I would like to be able to go to the school with it and say he can do this, see how it worked for him. I think this will be key to his success because the teacher maintance is the issue. My issue is fitting it in where it is enjoyable. I think I need to talk to the online schools again. If anyone has suggestions please advise. Thanks

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/20/09 07:40 AM.