Does anyone know much about John Hopkins or Northwestern Univ. or Stanford online course? I'm mostly interested in online learning for my DS9 in Math.

John Hopkins did a 5 year study on Math so I'm thinking of them as having lots of expertise with acceleration. They also have a advisor available for advocacy/counseling over the phone for a fee.

Northwestern Univ. seems to have more out of the box Math that would be great for enrichment that expands knowledge along with regular Math for credit.

I also heard Standford was good.

Anybody have anymore insight? or suggestions? I would like to bring this into my sons school at some point. We tried an online writing class this summer. It went well but I think he needs more maturity before he could do online at school without being too much teacher maintenance.

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/10/09 09:59 AM.