AmyC15- did you have someone at the school supervising the course or do you?

That class sound wonderful. I wonder if the other online schools have the reporting like that. Did the school have any objections that is was not their "brand of Math".(for example we have saxon math at school) Does it matter that she is missing the other class?

I keep thinking that I need to have my son do a online course at home very independently before he could bring it into school. Was this her first experience with online learning? Did she just start this all on her own wit out anyone at school helping?

If you have any other advice on getting this into a school smoothly please let me know.

My son is a very motivated student. He loves math and I think this would be wonderful. My only concern is that he would experience this with no one to share his excitment with. But then again, I not sure anyone in his class get so excited about Math.