Thanks SPG, yeah I was having a little trouble today as the tractors came down the road, but I tried some variety with "what colour is that Tractor? is it green? Yes, it's green!" (DS doesn't do colours yet).

We also like to count motorcycles :D, DH has been calling me Seasame Street... (thinks he's funny!).

But most of the time I'm still asking him "Is that a tractor or a car?" because he's still learning the differences between tractor and car and truck (although I think he's got it now as he was telling me "ba ho" (back hoe) then "car!" yesterday).

Thats a great story about the icebeans! laugh My sister was completely mystified by Lucas this weekend and just kept saying "He talks SO much!!" as he's standing at the top of the backyard steps telling everyone what to do, wagging his finger while he talks laugh.