Hi Nes - My DS5 had lots of language very early too. I did have access to some information like the posted link, so I never tried to correct, beyond repeating the word properly in response like you do. "Yes, I like tractors too." I would tend to agree with PtheP on trying to avoid saying "yes, that's right!" although I know at the age of your DS, many times you are naturally saying that in response to one of many questions. E.g., Kid: "Dis ice?" Mom: "Yes, this is rice."

My DS cannot do the 'r' sound yet, which is developmentally normal, but since his vocabulary is so big, he will say things that most people won't expect, and so they can't catch it without the 'r.' Also, he speaks REALLY fast, and that doesn't help. (The school system even referred him to speech therapy, but the therapist said basically what I wrote above and said he didn't qualify.) His big vocab also helps, though, because he can usually come up with a variation of a word without an 'r' if someone is confused.

When he was 18 months, we had a very funny incident with DS's pronunciations. He was napping, so I took the chance to go to lunch while grandpa was watching him. Of course, he woke up, and started asking for "ice beans." Grandpa knew that DS wasn't asking for ice cream, since DS has a dairy allergy, but he couldn't figure it out, so he gave him an ice cube. DS screamed and screamed "ECEBEANS! ICEBEANS! ICEBEANS!" He wanted his favorite food at the time, rice and beans. i returned to a cried-out kid with a box of snacks in his lap and a worn-out grandpa!