I don't know what to tell you guys, I haven't been encouraging him to practise at all - it's DS that's doing it, all on his own. If he says "ac or" I say "Yes honey, that's right Tractor, very good!" then he starts with the "T, T, T... Trac or".

I just want to encourage him smile I have the same concerns about impeding his speech, but if he's going to do it anyway he might as well be making the right sounds.

He LOVED the starfall website, great because it's really rainy again today! We got through quite a few books before he got bored (/needed to go run around & cause trouble) once we sorted out who was going to control the mouse! (He LOVES to move it around but doesn't have very good aim yet).

He loved the letters too but got bored of those guys fairly quickly. DS is just not much for sitting down and playing quiet games! laugh