I took everyone's advice, and I'm trying to really downplay pronunciation. He's still picking up words faster then I can come up with them though. We saw a back hoe in the weekend and "Look Lucas, that's a backhoe, it digs up all the dirt" we got "ba ho! ba ho!!".

I'm still teaching him his ABCs, but I don't know what to do about Seasame Street, etc. He LOVES word world too and because these shows are about reading there is allot of slow pronunciation. I have no interest in teaching him how to read RIGHT now, but I do think he'll be reading small words in another year or so because he LOVES books.

I'm also not really convinced that he's being self conscious about his speech. Everyone who has ever met DS immediately remarks on how much he talks! It's a constant stream of mostly nonsense* which he forms into sentence structures. In fact he gets VERY upset when you don't answer him when he asks questions!

*mostly nonsense, to us! He's quite convinced he's talking and every now and then does actually seem to be saying something. Like he was telling me "find dada, find daddy" and started running around looking for his dad, when he found him he said "FIND Dada!!!!".

However I am going to keep trying to downplay my pronunciation for awhile and see if that changes anything, couldn't hurt.

Discussed it was Mom this weekend too & she confirmed (now she's raised 2 above intelligence, one way above & one ADD/ADHD etc. so she knows!) the little man is awfully precocious for such a young toddler but there is a good chance we're looking at ADHD, except the my brother didn't talk until he was 4, so who knows! Then again DS did have an entire tartufo instead of dinner and nothing but candy and chocolate since breakfast...

(Oh grandmas, can't live with them, can't live without them! :D).

Oh & on the mommy front, he's trying to call me Vanessa... *sigh* I'm inclined to let him until he's old enough to understand I'm mommy.

Last edited by Nes; 08/25/09 06:02 AM.