There has been some concern about him practising his sounds, I really think he's just practising though, not correcting himself. The same way he will sit for 20 minutes and practise putting a straw into his juice box. He's big on puzzles!

That chart (thanks for posting!) doesn't even make sense by Lucas' standards :S he's taking a good bite out of the first category. Although he will be able to say something like "horse" one moment and loose it another, I don't worry about that too much as obviously that is a word he shouldn't be able to say. Very interesting.

His first word was actually "tickle" which he pronounce perfecting in a very clear voice at 7 months. He said it twice and has never said it again. Same with saying "Lucas" the other day, I don't expect him to say that again for awhile.

DS is BIG on Tomas too smile I know grampa's really happy to have another train-enthusiast in the family finally! Anything with wheels & DS is ALL over it, it's a full-time job keeping him from stealing all the strollers when we go to the park (babies in them or not :D).

Last edited by Nes; 08/25/09 08:31 AM.