Update on 34 month old now 42 months. She started a preschool 5 months ago that learns through play. She went T-Th 9-12 and will go M-W-F 9-12 this upcoming year. She loves it! They have numerous classes outside of their regular classroom and 2 teachers per 14 kids and 1 extra dedicated teacher when in extracurricular cooking class, music and dance, art, chapel and science. I have found out our school district does not allow early entry and haven't found anyone who can tell me about skipping kindergarten. She is now reading books and anything she asks for she will tell you the letter it starts with so we spend a lot of time playing guessing games. She is whizzing through work books, she would do them all night long if we let her. She is doing simple addition and subtraction. She is still working on her writing skills and gets very aggravated when her letters and numbers aren't perfect (which is usually as she is just 3). Wondering if anyone had their child enroll at kindergarten at 5 and get something out of it or had problems with kids who get aggravated when their doings are perfect.