And we didn't early entrance our DS either for lots of reasons. He was almost 6 when he started K. I think the extra year of play and maturity helped him in K. It also meant that when he walked into K, he had already made the leap to books like "Charolotte's Web." I assumed that this would cause problems, but, in retrospect, I actually think it made his abilities so obvious that his teacher went out of her way to accomadate him. And because of the maturity, he was able to advocate for himself from the get go. We definitely lucked out with the teacher, too. Anyway, he is in middle school now, has never been skipped, and is still quite happy.

I guess my point is that there really isn't one right answer for everyone. You need to follow your own child's lead and look at the options that are viable in your area then make the choice that seems like the best fit. Early entrance can work but there are other routes as well.