Welcome to the board! Your daughter sounds like a wonderful gt girl. Enjoy!

Answer her question and teach her what she wants to know. Teach her how to read, if that's what she is interested in. It's hard to hold them back and there is really no good reason to do so. Try starfall.com, that's where my younger one learned how to read.

What will she do in PreK? That may not be such a big problem as what to do in K. You may want to look into play based preschools. In my own experience they work better. The kids go there to have fun and not to spend most of their time "learning" something they already know. As for K I really haven't figured out that one out. Is she close to the age cutoff. You may want to try for early entry to K, but it will still not be enough. We tried Montessori last year and this year my "1st grader" is homeschooled. DS4 is in PreK. We haven't decided what to do about next year yet, but chances are he will stay home as well.
