A friend asked me a question recently to which I didn't know the answer. Is Aspbergers the name for the high functioning end of Autism Spectrum Disorders, or is it a different thing altogether?
She has a very gifted son that she has concerns about, but while he doesn't seem to fit the Aspberger's profile, he does seem to have some autistic tendencies. He's extrememly introverted, is very anxious in social situations, is not big on physical contact, hates changes to his routine. He can however carry appropriate conversations, understand jokes, make eye contact, and has some friends. He just really seems to prefer to avoid social interactions, unless they are one-on-one and he knows the person well.
Does autism/Aspbergers mean the inability to follow social conventions, or the lack of desire to do so?
If anyone has any links to good sites that I could point her toward it would also be much appreciated. She's not the type to surf the net looking for answers, and I don'tknow enough about this subject to help much.