I don't think my son has Asperger's but he has motor dyspraxia and hyptonia, sensory issues, a few phobias, and some anxiety, so our insurance is going to pay for a neuropsychological assessment at a child study center. He has enough issues in common with Aspies that I am on an Asperger's mail list and I found some things I read there helpful. My son, who just turned 11, has not been able to learn to swim because of a fear of being in deep water and group lessons would not work for him. Someone on the Asperger's mailing list told me about someone who could give my son private lessons.
The developmental pediatrician my son saw last year said he did not have Asperger's. He has no problem with making eye contact and one of his favorite things to do is make people laugh, and I think he uses humor to deal with some of his issues. He likes being around people, in fact he does not like being alone. He is more social than I am and he is a very good host when his friends come over. He doesn't talk to them about things he knows his friends don't care anything about and that, unfortunately, is half the things he is interested in. They do have a love of video games in common, and musical theater.