I am so sorry to add to the list of alternate diagnosis but to me, it sounds like SPD (sensory processing disorder). My son was diagnosed ADHD but I felt it was wrong. A couple of people told me he seemed high functioning autism although he sounded just like the child you describe: good eye contact, gets jokes, makes friends. He just sort of gets hyper-shy around people the first time and it results in some odd behavior. Plus, he has sensory issues: loud noises, dislikes hugs, etc. Some doctors believe that SPD is on the autism spectrum so for me, it really has been the missing link. Hope that helps!

I haven't read the Dual Diagnosis although if they're recommending it, it's probably a very good resource. If you can't find it in the store for some reason, I like The Mislabeled Child by the Eides. That's what led me to SPD.

Last edited by giftedticcyhyper; 05/26/09 05:48 PM.