I have been reading all of the suggested material given by the great people on this site since my DS4 has not been given any diagnosis label (the doctors (child neuro and psych) didn't give him a label because there wasn't enough stuff matching one), but has some mild symptoms, plus being gifted. The boy just may be mild "whatever." Since I was given no diagnosis, but seem to have a feeling for areas of my DS4's weaknesses; I have just gotten help for those areas (speech and mild social). I recently learned that there are "social skills" classes available. Speech teachers usually offer the social skills classes. They focus on confidence, sharing, taking turns, initiating play, what to do when someone you ask to play says no, alternatives to playtime scenarios. We are aggressively working on his speech areas as well, to see if this is the cause for part of the social stuff as well. My DS4 is very social but has problems in huge groups. He also is very strong-willed, prefers to lead, and tends to suck kids into his "fun.":)

I recommend the mis/dual-diagnosis book as well.

Mom to DS6